JiLL from Düsseldorf
Favorite Horse: Attila
Jill booked a Horse-Safari in April 2022. After her tour she was on another Safari in Etosha Natinal Park, to see some animals that you don't want to see from horseback. What she experienced on Koiimaisis you can read HERE...

Laura from Kiel
Favorite Horse: SPaniard
Laura was with us on Horse-Safari in April and especially enjoyed the long gallops. What else she can tell you, you can read HERE.

Lara was with her father at Koiimasis in November 2021 and went on a riding safari with us for a week. You can read about her impressions HERE...
Lara from Wangen
Favorite Horse:

Anne from Dresden
Favorite Horse: Attila
Anne has booked our riding safari through our partner "Horse and Rider". What she has to report about it you can read HERE...
Reiner from Dunningen
Favorite Horse: Nightwish
Reiner was on Koiimasis from October to November 2021 for four weeks as a Ranch-Dude. He was even allowed to accompany one of our riding safaris and actively supported us. What Reiner got out of his time on Koiimasis you can read HERE...

Thomas from Wangen
Favorite Horse: Mokka
Thomas participated in our adventure riding safari in November 2021, together with his 16 year old daughter. What Thomas has to report, you can read HERE...

Angelika from Cologne
Favorite Horse: Spaniard
Angelika visited us on Koiimasis for two weeks in April 2021 and we put together a very individual riding program for her. How she liked it you can read HERE...

Barbara (47) from Nürnberg
Favorite Horse: Santana
Barbara was on Koiimasis for four weeks in 2021. After that she toured the country with a friend, what she has to report you can read HERE.
Rotraud (69) from Munich
Favorite Horse: Attila
Rotraud was on Koiimasis for four weeks in May 2021 and summarized her time in a little poem, which you can read HERE....

Alexa (40) from Sylt
Favorite Horse: Attila
Alexa was in March 2021 for a few days at our lodge with her husband and her little daughter. Actually, she had not planned to ride on vacation, but then she let herself be persuaded and added a second ride the next day. What she has to tell you read HERE...
Sara (42) from Duesseldorf
Favorite Horse: Nightwish
Sara spent four weeks as a Ranch-Dude at Koiimasis in August 2019. But this was not her first stay at the farm. What she has to report, you can read HERE...

FREDa (30) From Düsseldorf
Favorite Horse: Josh
Hello, my name is Freda and I spent three unforgettable months in Namibia at Ranch Koiimasis in 2017. It was truly the best experience of my life.... more

Jasmin from Germany
Favorite Horse: Mokka
Jasmin was at Koiimasis for three months in 2016. Her favorite horse Mokka is still a great riding horse and a super teacher. What she has to report, you can read HERE...

Bianca from Switzerland
favorite horse: Blueprint
Bianca has been to Koiimasis several times. First as a riding guest and later she has guided tours on Koiimasis herself as an experienced trail riding guide. You can read about her experiences HERE...