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As a Ranch-Dude you will be actively involved in the daily ranch life, horse training and education. At Koiimasis, horse trainers, Ranch-Dudes and guides always work together hand in hand. Everyone learns from everyone else and most of all from the horses.
The term 'Dude-Ranch' comes from the USA and means nothing else than Guest-Farm. We used to use the common term "volunteer", but this led to misunderstandings which we hope to clear up with the new name. The time as a Ranch-Dude is, so to speak, a mixture of riding vacation and volunteer service. Therefore, the stay is much cheaper than a pure vacation. Your contribution goes 100% into the project - physically and monetarily. Ranch dudes are an important part of our work for and with the horses.
You will get the chance to dive deep into the daily life of a Namibian ranch and experience things that are hidden from a normal tourist. As a Ranch-Dude you spend 90% of your time in the saddle and if you want to take a break that's ok too - everything can, nothing has to!
If you have any questions visit our FAQ-area.
What is a Ranch-Dude?
Volunteer Info
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